[BT][碧海蓝天][1988 READNFO 720p BluRay x264-CiNEFiLE][英语中字][6.6G]

随风 影视 2018-04-03 20:18:38
类型:冒险 / 剧情 / 爱情
演员:吕克·贝松 / 罗赞娜·阿凯特 / 让·雷诺 / 让-马克·巴尔 / Griffin Dunne / Constantin Alexandrov / Kimberly Beck / Claude Besson / Jean Bouise / Rosario Campese / Geoffrey Carey / 塞尔吉奥·卡斯特里托 / Tredessa Dalton / Pierre-Alain de Garrigues / Franco Diogene
别名:Grand bleu, Le
剧情 热爱大海的贾克(Jean-Marc Barr饰),一直想与大海为伍,即使他在年少的时候,父亲因一次潜水发生意外而被大海吞噬,贾克对大海的爱始终没有改变。但是在一次偶然的邂逅中,贾克认识了年轻美丽的女子乔汉娜(Rosanna Arquette饰)并且爱上了她,自此之后,贾克的生活似乎变得无法掌握,贾克六神无主地旁徨在大海与乔汉娜的抉择中…… 一句话评论 Between what you know and what you wish, lies the secret of... [The Big Blue] N!#!#!y Allez Pas, ?a Dure Trois Heures! [version longue] The sea has a secret. [Australian poster] Danger...Like Passion...Runs Deep 幕后制作 本片遭到主流影评界的排斥(影评人认为水下摄影是惟一值得称道的元素),但在影迷当中却享有较高的地位。 花絮 亚瑟救起被困潜水员的那艘船,名叫“奥林匹亚”,至今仍保留在希腊的Amorgos。 电影是虚构的,然而其灵感来源于专业潜水员雅克梅荷和亚瑟的故事。 电影在法国引起巨大轰动,在电影院持续放映时间超过了一年。 该片是法国80年代获得经济效益最好的一部电影。 我来添加精彩对白 Jacques: I don!#!#!t understand. Please explain to me. Enzo: What do you want to know? Jacques: Everything! Enzo: About what? Jacques: About everything! Enzo: Mama mia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [After getting 10.000 dollars] Roberto: Enzo, what are you going to do with the money? Enzo: Have the car painted. Roberto: Guiseppe will do that for 25 dollars. Enzo: Then tell him to wax it too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enzo: Don!#!#!t look at Jaques as if he was a human being, he comes from another planet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enzo: Ah, I was 17! I was so in love with her, I tried to die for her. Two years later I can!#!#!t even remember her name. Time, erases everything. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [After receiving $10,000] Roberto: Enzo, really, whatcha going to do with the money? Enzo: A rosary for mama, a dress for Angelica and you , get yourself a suit that fits. But most important. Roberto: Yes Enzo: Find me the Frenchman. Find me Jacques Mayol. 我来添加穿帮镜头 连续性:雅克脱下他的运动鞋然后又是穿着运动鞋跳进水池里。即使导演切换了镜头,但是我们仍然可以看出他换了鞋子。 连续性:在纽约,当乔安娜把她的原始报告递交给老板的时候,她手中的香烟。 字幕
