【西区柯克作品17】[三十九级台阶] The Thirty-nine Steps 1935【DVD-MKV】[478M]

随风 影视 2018-05-02 16:05:30
拼音 : Qi Guai De Fu Weng
别名 : The Thirty-nine Steps
年代 : 现代
年份 : 1935年8月1日
语言 : 英语
字幕: 中文字幕
片种 : 惊悚/剧情/悬疑
地区 : 英国
片长 : 82min
导演 : 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 Alfred Hitchcock
演员 : 罗伯特·多纳特 Robert Donat....Richard Hannay
玛德琳·卡洛 Madeleine Carroll....PamelaLucie Mannheim....Miss Annabella Smith
阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 Alfred Hitchcock....Littering man near music hall (uncredited)
Godfrey Tearle....Professor Jordan
佩吉·阿什克罗福特 Peggy Ashcroft....Margaret
John Laurie....John
Helen Haye....Mrs. Louisa Jordan
Frank Cellier....Sheriff Watson
Wylie Watson....Mr. MemoryGus Mc
Naughton....Commercial Traveller on Flying Scotsman (as Gus MacNaughton)
Jerry Verno....Commercial Traveller on Flying Scotsman
Peggy Simpson....Maid
Ivor Barnard....Political Meeting Chairman (uncredited)
Wilfrid Brambell....(uncredited)
Pat Hagate....M.C. Who Introduces Mr Memory (uncredited)
Elizabeth Inglis....Professor Jordan's daughter (uncredited)
James Knight....Detective At London Palladium (uncredited)
Miles Malleson....Theatre manager (uncredited)
Quentin McPhearson....Clergyman On The Flying Scotsman (uncredited)
Frederick Piper....The Milkman (uncredited)
Hilda Trevelyan....Innkeeper's Wife (uncredited)
John Turnbull....Scottish Police Inspector (uncredited)
S.J. Warmington....Scotland Yard Man (uncredited)
内容 : 在一个游艺场中,记忆大师麦莫里先生正在表演。一个叫安娜的姑娘躲到了一个叫哈奈的加拿大青年的身边,请求与他同行。在他家中安娜告诉他,她要保护英国军方一个重要机密,但一个叫“39级台阶”的外国间谍组织要偷那份情报,他们的头目的小指短了半截。半夜安娜被人杀死,死前在地图上圈出一个地名。哈奈发现自己陷入危险,他决定去那个地方弄清事情。途中警方因安娜死在他家中而对他展开拘捕。他逃出后却偶然遇到那个小指短半截...
出品 : Gaumont British Picture Corporation Ltd. [英国]
Gaumont British Distributors Ltd. [英国] (1935) (UK) (theatrical)
Gaumont British Picture Corporation of America [美国] (1935) (USA) (theatrical)
Gaumont-France Distribution (1936) (France) (theatrical)
General Film Distributors (GFD) Ltd. [英国] (1942) (UK) (theatrical) (re-release)/(1942) (Australia) (theatrical)
Alpha Video Distributors Inc. [美国] (????) (USA) (DVD)
Ciné Video Film (????) (France) (VHS)
Continental Home Vídeo [巴西] (????) (Brazil) (DVD)
标准收藏 [美国] (1999) (USA) (DVD)
Divisa Home Video [西班牙] (2004) (Spain) (DVD)
EuroVideo [德国] (2002) (Germany) (DVD)
Filmes Luís Machado [葡萄牙] (????) (Portugal) (theatrical)
Future Film (2006) (Finland) (DVD)
Gaumont/Columbia TriStar Home Video (GCTHV) [法国] (????) (France) (VHS)
Grapevine Video [美国] (????) (USA) (VHS)
LS Video [美国] (????) (USA) (VHS)
Laserlight Entertainment [美国] (1998) (USA) (DVD)
Les Films G.É.C.É. [法国] (????) (France) (theatrical)
Madacy Entertainment Group Inc. [美国] (1993) (USA) (VHS)
Park Circus [英国] (2008) (UK) (theatrical) (re-issue)
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) [美国] (1972) (USA) (TV) (network premiere)
VTI Home Vídeo [巴西] (????) (Brazil) (VHS)
Victory Films [法国] (1951) (France) (theatrical) (re-release)
格式 : DVD-MKV
大小: 478M
压制人员 : 59影视-小钟压制
其他 : 希区柯克早期在英国拍摄的最著名间谍片,根据同名经典间谍小说改编,虚构了一出平民卷入间谍战的精彩情节。整部影片虽然全在摄影棚中拍摄,却能以假乱真,制造出丰富景观变化,音效和视觉技巧也有著天衣无缝的搭配。台词机智幽默,节奏的处理也相当紧凑逼人。希区考克选角功夫之独到,就如同他那惊世骇俗的运镜手法和令人毛骨悚然的气氛布局一样出色。这部影片改编自英国通俗小说家兼政治家约翰·巴肯的同名小说。


